电梯ARS(自动逃生)系统是在电梯供电中断等紧急情况下,帮助乘客逃生的自动化系统。在整个监控系统中,包括本地和远程监控两部分。该文介绍了监控系统的功能,设计与实现。本地监控通过串口通信与下位机进行通信来实现数据的采集,远程的实现是应用微软公司开发的语言C#,以网络编程核心Windows Sockets和客户/服务器模式为基础,运用ADO.NET类融合数据库Access和.NET Remoting网络技术,完成一个远程分布式数据库查询系统,以实现电梯ARS远程监控功能。
Elevator AR.S (Automatic escape)system aims to help passengers escape from Elevator, in an emergency situation of power inte, ruption. The system includes two parts: local and remote monitoring system.The article introduces the function,designing and realization of the monitoring system. In order to achieve the remote monitoring function, Visual C#.NET is chosen as the development platform, using . Socket Network Programming for TCP, a Client/Server module is constructed for a remote distributing database query system with ADO. NET class which fuses Access database and .NET Remoting Networking technologies.
WU Gao-jian (Electronic Information Engineering College, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology