Purpooe: To improve the dbenostic and differential dingnostic efficacy of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) byanalrring and establishing MRI signal patters Meterlal, and methods: 28 Cases (male 24 cases, female 4 cases, average 52years) with HCC were studied with 0.5T magnet using spin -echo (SE) T1 -weighted and tutbo-spin -echo (TSE ) T2-weight-ed double -echo image. MRI findings were retrospectively analysed by independent double -blind reading. Results: MRI clearlydemonstrated clinically sueful imformations about the location, size, shape, number of HCC, as well as its relation with surround-ing structutes and secondary changes. Characteristic MRI signal changes were found in HCC, eg. Main MRI features of HCC pre-sented as many byPointensity on T1 WI, Orisointensity or slightly hyper intensity on T2 Wi first -echo (PDWI),as many inhomoge-neously slishtly hyperintensity on T2 WI second-echo. Conclusion: According to MRI findings, especial the MRI sisnal changes,confuming diagnosis of HCC could be made MRISE T1 WI and TSE T2 WI double -echo image could be routinely used as the fitstinvestigation for HCC.
Modern Medical Imageology
Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma Magnetic resonance imaging