
一种新型基于石英的热光型光开关 被引量:2

A New Type Silica-Based Thermo-optic Switch
摘要 一种采用基于石英的平面光波回路技术(PLC)制造的热光型光开关正越来越引起关注,它具有低耦合损耗、高稳定性及适于大规模集成等优点。首先描述了采用热光相移器构成马赫-曾德于涉仪(MZI)结构的热光型光开关,然后讨论2×2MZI热光型开关的工作原理及基本特性,最后介绍了由2×2MZI热光型开关单元构成的大规模光开关阵列以及一种采用悬梁式结构热光相移器的低功率消耗的光开关。 Thermo-Optic (TO)switches which employ silica-based planer lightwave circuit (PLC) technology are getting more and more attention today. In this issue we first outline the TO switches which have a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI)configuration with TO phase shifters. We then discuss the operating principle and basic characteristics of a Z× 2 MZI TO switch. At last we discribe large-scale optical matrix switches using 2 × 2 MZI TO switch units and a low driving power consumption switch with bridge- suspended TO phase shifters.
出处 《光通信技术》 CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期29-32,共4页 Optical Communication Technology
关键词 光开关 光交换矩阵 光网络 B-ISDN Optical switch Optical switch matrix Optical Network
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