Some important progress on the research of the high-energy laser propagation inthe atmosphere carried out in the key laboratory for atmospheric optics since 1995 wassummarized as follows:1) Some optical parameters of the atmosphere which affect the high-energy laserpropagation were measured systematically, and many results were obtained.2) A method was proposed on measuring the vertical distribution of the atmosphericOzone with a dual differential absorption lidar, and another one on determinining simultaneously the complex refractive index and the size distribution of atmospheric aerosolsusing the scattering of the polarized light.3) It was verified that the atmospheric coherent length measured in a finite timeinterval is a random quantity. The probability density distribution of the quantity wasderived.4) Methods were proposed for the description of the probability density distributionof the laser intensity fluctuation in the atmosphere and the statistical characteristics ofthe turbulence-degraded intensity images.5) In both real and simulated turbulent atmospheres the relationship between thephase compensation efficiency of an adaptive optics system and the intensity of the atmospheric turbulence was obtained for the first time.6) A 4D code with certain features was developed for the calculation of high-energylaser propagation in the atmosphere including phase compensation by an adaptive opticssystem. Simulation results were verified partially by experimental data.
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics