

Research of Test Method on Material Diffuse Reflection in Ultraviolet Wave Band
摘要 本文介绍了测定材料漫反射特性的原理和检测系统的结构。利用该检测系统,对氧化镁、硫酸钡、聚四氟乙稀等制成的白板材料进行了紫外波段的实测,并且把它们同朗伯漫反射体进行了比较,对其偏差进行了讨论。此项研究结果,为太阳紫外光谱监视器的辐射定标奠定了基础。 The structure of system and the principle of testing material diffuse reflection are presented in this paper.Such material planes made of magnesia,bariumsulphate,tetrafluoroethy lene are practically tested by this system in ultra violet wave band.To be compared with the test method of Lambert diffuse reflection,its error is analysed.So this result of research laies a foundation for radiation calibrater of solar ultra violet spectrum.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 1998年第2期127-128,共2页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
关键词 反射因数 紫外波漫反射 测试 材料 diffuse reflection white plane reflectivity
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