
不同来源氮素在烤烟体内的累积分配及对烟叶品质的影响 被引量:17

Accumulation and distribution of nitrogen in tobacco from different sources and their effects on quality of flue-cured leaves
摘要 通过在云南省玉溪市赵桅村6组烟田(A)和赵桅实验基地(B)进行的大田^(15)N示踪试验,研究了在不施氮和施氮90 kg/hm^2条件下,水稻土烤烟干物质累积特征、肥料氮和土壤氮的吸收和分配及肥料氮和土壤氮对烟叶品质的影响。结果表明,施氮能显著提高烟株干物重,增加烟株吸氮量,但在生育后期施氮与不施氮处理,烟株均存在于物质和氮素累积过多问题。施氮90 kg/hm^2情况下,烟株整个生育期中吸收的氮素主要来自于土壤氮,而且烟株吸收的土壤氮及其占总吸氮量的比例随生育期延长和烟叶着生部位的升高显著增加;到采收结束时,两试验田烟株吸收的土壤氮占总吸氮量的比例分别达69%和74%。不同施氮水平烟叶品质差异较大,不施氮处理各部位烟叶总氮和烟碱含量均偏低,糖碱比不协调;施氮处理各部位烟叶总氮含量均在适宜范围内,但由于烟株生育后期土壤供氮较多,上部烟叶存在烟碱含量偏高的问题。选择有机质含量适宜的土壤,控制烟株生育后期土壤供氮量,对降低上部烟叶总氮和烟碱含量,提高我国烟叶整体质量至关重要。 Accumulation of dry matter, absorption and distribution of nitrogen in tobacco from fertilization and soil nitrogen, and the effects of nitrogen fertilization and soil nitrogen on quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves were studied by using ^15N-labelled field experiment on a paddy soil. The experiment was carried out in two fields at Zhaowei Village Group 6 (A) and the Zhaowei Experiment Base (B) located in Hongta District, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, China, respectively. There are two treatments in each field, without nitrogen fertilization and application nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of N 90 kg/ha. The results indicated that dry matter and nitrogen content of flue-cured tobacco were significantly increased with application of nitrogen fertilizer. However, both dry matter accumulation and nitrogen absorption were excessive in the latter growth periods of tobacco. In the fertilization treatment, the main source of nitrogen for tobacco was from soil nitrogen, and the ratio of nitrogen uptake from the soil to the nitrogen from the both sources (fertilization and soil) was evidently increased with growth period extending and stalk position ascending. The ratio was up to 0.69 and 0.74 at the end of growth period in A and B fields, respectively. The results also showed that the nitrogen content and nicotine of leaves without nitrogen fertilization were lower than those with the application nitrogen fertilizer, and the ratio of nitrogen to nicotine was lopsided under the condition of without the fertilization. The content of nitrogen in leaves was appropriate in the fertilizer treatment, while the nicotine content of upper leaves were too high due to the fertilization. The study indicates that it is important to choose fields with appropriate organic matter concentration to plant tobacco and to control nitrogen application amount in latter growth periods for reducing nitrogen and nicotine concentration of upper leaves and improving the overall quality of flue-cured tobacco.
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期183-190,共8页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家烟草专卖局科技项目(110200601014)资助。
关键词 烤烟 肥料氮 土壤氮 累积和分配 品质 flue-cured tobacco nitrogen fertilizer soil nitrogen accumulation and distribution quality
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