Fen 4439 was selected from the progeny of the cross Jinmai66/Xin 9152. The average yield in advanced fertility regional test of late - maturing winter wheat area is 5 944.5 kg/hm2,9.1% higher than Jingdong 8, in Shanxi province from 2004 to 2006 and the average yield in advanced fertility regional test is 5 239.5 kg/hm2 ,6.0% higher than Jingdong 8 from 2005 to 2006. It infected stripe rust and powdery mildew during seedling and adult stage. The seed contains crude protain 16.41%, wet gluten 32.80%, with sedimentation value of 22.40 ml, 1 000 - grain - weight about 45 g, natural weight of 786 g/ L. It is suitable to grow in advanced fertility region in center of Shanxi province and northern China.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences