石油资源空间流动是实现石油资源时空配置的过程,受区域石油资源丰度、石油经济发展水平、石油流动条件等多种要素的影响。根据各区域在石油资源空间流动过程中所承担的职能可大体将石油资源流动空间划分为源地系统、汇地系统和源汇复合系统,文章针对不同的流动职能地域系统,运用威弗(W eaver)组合指数法,分析系统内影响各区域石油资源流动的主导要素组合关系,以此来划分各职能系统内部的地域类型,将源地系统划分为资源-经济复合型和资源-交通复合型两大地域类型,将汇地系统划分为经济主导型、资源依托型、交通带动型和非典型性经济拉动型四大地域类型,将源汇复合系统划分为资源主导型和经济主导型两大地域类型,进而分析了各类型区域的形成原因及地域分异规律。
The spatial flow of crude oil is a spatiotemporal allocation process of oil, which is influenced by the regional abundance of oil, the development level of regional oil economy, regional oil transportation conditions, and so on. The difference of the combination structures of these influencing factors form different regional characteristics of oil flow, and result in areal differentiation of the oil flow space. This paper applies Weaver Combination Index Method to analyze the combination structure of the influencing factors and their interactions by region, so as to classify the regional types of oil flow.
(1) Firstly, this paper divides the oil flow space of China into three systems, the Source System, the Confluence System and the Complex System, according to the regional flow function, and then analyzes the regional combination stucture of flow influencing factors of oil flow under each system.
(2) This paper selects regional crude oil output to represent regional oil abundance, selects regional oil consumption and the assets of oil processing industry to represent the development level of regional oil economy respectively from the angle of consumption-driven and asset-driven,and selects regional crude oil flux ( including the amount of outflow and inflow) to indirectly represent regional transportation conditions. All these data should be standardized before introduced to Weaver Combination Index Method, that is to calculate in each region the proportion of each index value to the national total of the corresponding index, which is called locational weight. With Weaver Combination Index Method, we can get the variances of the actual combination and the theoretic combination factors as well as the variance graphs for each region.
(3) Through the variance graphs, we can read out the combination stucture of the influencing factors of oil flow in each region, and then we can classify the regional types according to each region' s leading influencing factors and the combination stucture bet
Journal of Natural Resources