以城市化流域——秦淮河流域为例,采用SWAT分布式水文模型,结合遥感和地理信息系统技术,对流域1987~2000年的土地利用变化对水文过程的影响进行探讨和研究。结果表明,13年中秦淮河流域的土地利用变化对流域的径流影响较大,2000年土地利用情景相对于1987年的模拟结果,1980 s~1990 s年径流增加约为5%~6%;在相同的土地利用变化条件下,枯水年的水文响应最强,其次是平水年,丰水年响应最弱;在任意降雨条件,林地向建设用地转化,其径流系数增加0.3以上,水田向建设用地、旱地向建设用地转化,其径流系数增加0.2~0.3,林地向旱地、水田向旱地、林地向水田的转化,其径流系数增加幅度在0.1以下。
Based on the technology of remote sensing and geographic information systems, a distributed hydrological model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT) was applied to study the impacts of land use changes from 1987 to 2000 on hydrological processes in the Qinhuai River basin located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. The results show: The land use changes had great influences on runoff yield. Annual runoff during 1981 -2000 increased by 5% -6% under the scenarios of land use in 2000 in contrast to 1987. Under the conditions of the same land use changes, the strongest hydrological response to land use changes happened in dry years, the next happened in normal years, and the weakest happened in flood years. The runoff coefficient varies under different land use conversions. The runoff coefficient increases more than 0. 3 when land use changed from forest land to built-up land, and it increases by about 0. 2 -0. 3 when land use changed from paddy field to built-up land and from dry land to built-up land, and it increases less than 0. 1 when land use conversion from forest land to dry land, from paddy field to dry land, and from forest to paddy field.
Journal of Natural Resources