
基于描述逻辑的数据挖掘元数据的一致性检验 被引量:2

Consistency Checking for Data Mining Metadata Based on Description Logic
摘要 针对目前数据挖掘元模型DMM的自然语言和图形化方式缺乏精确的语义,基于DMM的数据挖掘元数据集成中的冲突问题难以发现,提出一种描述逻辑家族的形式逻辑DLRDM,给出DLRDM的语法和语义,使用DLRDM形式化数据挖掘元模型和元数据,证明DLRDM上的推理问题可以规约到ABox上的一致性检验问题,利用描述逻辑推理引擎RacerPro,对基于DLRDM的数据挖掘元数据进行推理检测以发现不一致信息,结果表明DLRDM在处理数据挖掘元数据一致性检验问题上的正确性与有效性. The standardization of data mining metadata is a new focus problem in the development of data mining techniques in recent years. Constructing integrative and public data mining metadata is the common aim of data mining manufacturers. During the data mining metadata creation based on common warehouse metamodel (CWM), the evolution of data mining techniques, the different experiences and views of describing data of organizations cause inconsistencies inevitably. However, current data mining metamodal lacks precise semantic due to its description with natural language and graphs. In this research, a formal logic DLRDM that belongs to the family of description logic is proposed. The syntax and semantic of DLRDM are given. It is proved that the reasoning upon DLRDM could be reduced to the consistency checking upon ABox of DLRDM. Formalization upon the metamodal and metadata of data mining is analyzed in detail. The reasoning engine RacerPro is applied to check the consistency upon the data mining metadata, results indicate that DLRDM is correct and effective on consistency checking on data mining metamodel.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期266-270,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 航空科学基金项目(01I52058)资助
关键词 数据挖掘 描述逻辑 元数据 元模型 一致性检验 data mining description logic metadata metamodel consistency checking
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