Static behavior of eight through-beam-type exterior RC column-to-steel beam (RCS) connections with different joint details is analyzed by the finite element software ANSYS. In this paper, the story drift and its components, lateral load shear strain relationship, the individual contribution of different elements to the joint shear capacity, joint shear force deformation relationship, stress developing process of the steel web, stress and strain distribution at the last converged sub-step is investigated. The study shows that RCS joint deformation is three-dimensional and there exists a relative rotation between the inner and outer concrete. The total joint deformation is the sum of joint distortion and joint bearing deformation, which accounts for a large amount of the total joint deformation even in the case of join shear failure. Three components are found to contribute to the shear strength of RCS joints: steel web, inner concrete, and outer concrete. If steel cover plates are used, their contribution should be included. When the total joint deformation is smaller than 2 %, the joint shear capacity increases along with this deformation increase, after that, the joint shear strength remains unchanged. When specimens fail, a large part of steel web has yielded and the width of yielded zone equals to 80% of the column depth, and there is an apparent diagonal strut in both inner and outer concrete. The informations provided in this paper are very important for further investigating the shear mechanism and shear model of RCS joints.
Progress in Steel Building Structures
shear behavior
exterior beam-column connections
steel beams
reinforced concrete columns
joint details
nonlinear element finite