为满足脉冲氙灯弧光放电的要求,本文设计并实现了一种新型的脉冲氙灯频闪电源。详细分析了采用全桥ZVZCS DC/DC变换器拓扑的系统主电路及以移相控制芯片UCC3895为核心的控制电路。实验表明,该电源输出电压高,工作稳定可靠,响应速度快,结构简单,体积小,造价低廉,实用性强,可驱动各种参数的脉冲氙灯。
A new strobe power supply for xenon lamps was designed and realized as to the demand of arc discharge. The detailed analysis of the main circuit of the power system with FB ZVZCS DC/DC converter and the control circuit based on phase shift controller UCC3895 were presented. The results of experiment indicate that it has the advantages of high output voltage, high working reliably, fast response, simple structure, small size, cheap price, fine practicability and it can drive many kinds of xenon lamps stably and reliably.
Power Supply Technologles and Applications