介绍了新型微机保护监控装置的系统结构,提出了基于嵌入式实时操作系统(RTOS)VxWorks的微机保护装置软件设计方法,详细分析了装置功能的划分,在此基础上设计实时任务,阐述了各任务的执行流程和相互关系,说明了任务之间的通信方式。最后介绍了IEC 61850在微机保护装置上的移植和实现。实践表明该软件系统较好地满足了微机保护监控装置的性能要求。
System structure of a new microcomputer-based protection device is introduced, a software design based on embedded Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) VxWorks is proposed to meet the requirements of the new device. Real-time tasks are designed based on the detailed analysis of the device function. Processes and relationships of tasks and interior communication are expounded. Migration and implementation of IEC 61850 standard on the microcomputer-based protection device are presented at last. The application shows the validness of the software system.
Jiangsu Electrical Engineering