
QoS度量帕雷托并行路由快速预计算方法 被引量:2

Fast pre-computing parallel routing using pareto of QoS matrices
摘要 针对多重链QoS路由问题,在给出QoS度量的串行寻优算法的基础上,给出一种QoS度量帕雷托并行路由快速预计算方法,此方法为q个QoS度量分配q个处理器,并行计算出满足路由请求约束可行路径的帕雷托子集,在帕雷托子集中综合选择合适的转发路由.实验结果显示该方法能够较好地进行路径寻优,并且算法的复杂度较低,可用于解决有限节点网络的复杂QoS路由问题. The method of pre-computing for parallel computing based on QoS matrices is proposed. To allocate q processors for q QoS metrics. The Pareto subsets of feasible route which satisfy routing request constraints will be taken into parallel compute and the optimum route will be selected among the Pareto subsets. The experimental results show this method can search the optimum path and the complexity is lower. So, it can be used for solving the complex QoS routing problem of network with finite nodes.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期100-103,共4页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(05011896) 广东省教育厅自然科学基金资助项目(Z03080)
关键词 路由优化 并行路由搜索 服务质量度量 帕雷托子集 负载平衡 routing optimization qarallel routing search QoS (quality of service) matrices paretosubsets load balancing
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