
橡胶增强的新设想及增强相与连续相一体化橡胶的设计 被引量:2

New idea in rubber reinforcement and design of integrative rubber of reinforcing phase and rubber phase
摘要 介绍了橡胶增强理论与技术的一些发展趋势,指出填料高度均匀分散、与橡胶基质作用较强的理想增强橡胶将能够提升轮胎的安全和节能环保性能;介绍了理想橡胶增强的模型及填料,提出了采用设计及合成手段以显著降低混炼加工能耗的一体化结构新型理想增强橡胶的开发思路。 The new trends of rubber reinforcing theory and techniques were introduced. It was pointed that the ideal rubber with highly dispersed filler having strong interaction with matrix would obviously improve the performances of safety, energy-saving and environment friendly for the tire. The reinforcing model and related filler were presented. Integrative rubber could be achieved by design and synthesis. And an idea about a novel integrated reinforced rubber was proposed, which can be design and would appreciably reduce the energy consumption in rubber processing with 18 references.
出处 《合成橡胶工业》 CAS CSCD 2009年第1期1-4,共4页 China Synthetic Rubber Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50773002) 国家杰出青年基金资助项目(50725310)
关键词 橡胶 增强 一体化橡胶 述评 rubber reinforcement integrative rubber review
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