目的:探讨 CREST 综合征的临床特点及诊治方法。方法:报告2例 CREST 综合征患者,2例均为女性,年龄分别为45岁和58岁,将其临床表现、实验室检查及组织病理改变的资料,结合相关文献作回顾性分析。结果:2例患者中,1例表现为双上肢皮肤变硬20余年,伴鼻根部两侧、左肩部、左臀部皮下结节及吞咽困难1年;另1例表现为面部、双手、下肢皮肤变硬,伴吞咽困难20年,部分手指萎缩、坏死伴右手背、左小趾背皮下结节5年。结合各项实验室检查结果和病史确诊为 CREST 综合征。结论:CREST 综合征临床较为少见,对于硬皮病患者,除做组织病理、自身抗体检查外,建议仔细进行体格检查、食管钡餐造影、胸部 X 线片及肺功能检查,以明确诊断,同时坚持长期治疗。
Two cases of CREST syndrome are reported. One patient presented with a 20-year history of skin tightness and induration of both upper extremities and a one-year history of dysphagia, subcutaneous nodules on both sides of the root of nose, left shoulder and left buttock. The other patient presented with a 20-year history of dysphagia and indurated skin of the face, both hands and lower extremities, and a five-year history of atrophy and necrosis of fingers and subcutaneous nodules of the dorsum of his right hand and left small toe. The diagnosis of both cases was made as CREST syndrome, after detailed clinical and laboratory examinations.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology