
分布式网络中智能代理的安全迁移机制 被引量:2

The Security Transition Mechanism of Intelligent Agents in Distributed Networks
摘要 在许多特殊的分布式系统网络中,由于各节点的管理权限和职能的不同,网络各节点之间存在着严格的等级划分。针对智能代理在这种特殊分布式网络中传输时存在的安全问题,本文介绍了一种IA的安全迁移机制。该机制使用签名技术实现对节点的身份认证,使用3DES算法实现对传输数据的加密。该机制已由脚本语言Python编程实现。实践证明,它有效地保证了IA在迁移时的安全性。 In many special distributed networks, network nodes have been classified into different grades, according to the administration purview and functions. As for the security problem of intelligent agents' transfer in such distributed networks, this paper proposes a new security transition mechanism. Identity authentication is actualized by means of the signature technique, and data encryption is actualized by means of 3DES. The algorithm for the mechanism has been implemented by the script language Pyton, and the experimental results show that it is effective to keep the security of IA transition in distributed networks.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期101-102,137,共3页 Computer Engineering & Science
关键词 智能代理 身份认证 分布式网络 IA迁移 intelligent agent identity authentication distributed network IA transition
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