对中国石化石油勘探开发研究院南京石油物探研究所iCluster地震成像软件系统中叠前时间偏移(PSTM)模块进行了性能剖析和调优。PSTM模块中,进程间通讯很少,理论上可以得到很好的加速比和可扩展性。由于存在大量的读写磁盘操作,导致CPU占用率很低,性能变差,一旦磁盘读写性能得到了很好的解决,性能将会大幅提升。此外,还发展了iCluster PSTM模块的多线程和混合并行方法。SMP集群上,通过多线程和混合并行方法不仅可以增加单节点的数据处理量,而且也很好地缓解了PSTM模块各进程对IO的竞争。另一方面,对原始代码中的热点循环进行了优化,实现了对代码的向量化,在某工区数据的测试中,性能提升了36.3%。
This paper discussed the parsing and tuning of the performance of PSTM (Pre-Stack Time Migration) module of iCluster from SINOPEC Nanjing Institute of Geophysical Prospecting.In this module,there is only a very few inter-process communications.Theoretically it should have a satisfactory speedup ratio and scalability.In reality its performance is disappointing due to too many disk operations.The OpenMP multi-threading version of iCluster PSTM module was developed to take advantage of SMP architecture.After that,MPI+OpenMP parallel paradigm was implemented which show about 29% better performance than the pure MPI paradigm on one node benchmark.Moreover the MPI+OpenMP hybrid parallel paradigm also reduce the I/O competition from different processes.Finally,one hot loop in the original PSTM module which takes the most of running time was successfully vectorized,which improves the performance by 36.3% in a test on a real data set.
Progress in Exploration Geophysics