

The Pragmatic Analysis of J.Habermas' Concept of Legitimacy
摘要 自然法和实证主义对法的"合法性"的认识是从语义学的范围中得到的,它们把法律作为一个封闭性的知识系统来认识,不但无法还原现代法治和真实面目,更将使对现代法治和认识陷入黔驴技穷的方法论困境。而哈贝马斯则用语用学的方法证明了法的合法性来自法律商谈的立法程序,他把法律作为开放和行动系统来保证人们表达自由和权利。本文主要探讨了几种方法对法的"合法性"认识,最终认为从语用学角度来探讨法的"合法性"是一种极具创造力的方法。 The legitimacy of law in natural law and positivism originated from semantics, by which law was interpreted in a closed system of knowledge. Such an interpretation, certainly failing to shed any light on modern rule of law, would be misleading methodologically. On the other hand, J. Habermas proved, via the pragmatic methods, that the legitimacy of law came from the lawmaking process of legal discourse, highlighting law as the open system of action to guarantee people' s expression of freedom and rights. The understandings of the legitimacy are discussed, confinning that the pragmatic approach is a creative attempt.
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2008年第6期50-54,共5页 Academic Exploration
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<法律推理研究--语用学与语用逻辑的视角>(07BZX046)的阶段性成果
关键词 哈贝马斯 合法性 主体间性 语用学 J. Habermas legitimacy inter - subjectivity pragmatics
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