目的了解日照地区已婚育龄妇女自然状态下的生育能力,分析不育症的发病情况及对夫妇双方身心健康的影响,确定合适的治疗时机。方法调查的目标群体为2004年1月1日零时常驻户口在日照市并在户口所在地居住的22~44周岁的已婚育龄妇女,对其自然怀孕一胎、二胎的时间、生育前是否因不能怀孕进行过治疗进行问卷式调查。结果在自然状态下,已婚育龄妇女在6个月内怀孕第一胎的比例为73.20%,怀孕第二胎的比例为67.80%,而1年内自然妊娠的比例则无差异,分别为88.30%和87.80%。至两年时,自然妊娠第一胎和第二胎的比例就分别达到了96.39%和95.70%。在调查时点,13 514对已婚育龄夫妇中,有12 515对已经生育孩子,其中经过不育症治疗生育的有223对。现有999对夫妇无子女,其中174对因各种原因未暴露于妊娠危险下,113对确诊为不育症,712对处于持证待孕状态。结论日照市的不育症患病率较低,为0.85%(113/13 340),如果将既往患病经治而妊娠生育的全部计入,其累积患病率为2.52%(336/13 340)。
Objective To investigate the potentia generandi in natural status of married women in reproductive age in Rizhao. And to analyze the incidence of infertility and the influence to the couple so as to find the best time for treatment. Methods Questionnaire investigation was performed, in the married women in reproductive age between 22 -44 years old, in their registered residences in Rizhao, at the time 0:00 ,Jan 1 st ,2004. The first pregnancy time and the second pregnancy time in natural status, and inferlity therapy history were recorded. Results The percentage of married couples in reproductive age, who had their first gestation in natural status within six months was 73.20%, that of married couples in reproductive age who had their second gestation in natural status within six months was 67.80% ,and there was no difference in the percentage of natural pregnancy within 1 year,which were 88.30% and 87. 80% respectively. By the second year,the percentages of the first and the second natual pregnancies reached 96.39% and 95.70% respectively. At the time of investigation,of the 13 514 pairs of married couples in reproductive age, the number of pairs of couples who had already offsprings was 12 515 ,of which 223 pairs of couples received therapy for infertility. There were 999 pairs of couples with no offsprings so far,amoung which, 174 pairs of couples did not expose to the risks of pregnancy because of different reasons, 113 pairs of couples were diagnosed as infertility, and 712 pairs of couples were in pregnant state. Conclusion The prevalence of infertility in Rizhao was low, which was 0. 85% ( 113/13 340). ff the couples who gave their childbirth after therapy for infertility were taken into account, the total cumulative prevalence would be 2.52% (336/13 340).
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Married women in reproductive age
Potentia generandi