To explore the mechanism of aluminum (Al) toxicity, 72 Al-exposed workers and 41 unexposed workers as controls were investigated to observe the effect of Al on Na-K-ATPase activity of erythrocyte membrane. Results showed that urine Al levels of Al-exposed workers were markedly higher than those of the unexposed workers in all age groups. Na-K-ATPase activity between exposed and unexposed workers was markedly different. ATPase activity of 35-44 group in Al-exposed workers was the highest, it differed distinctively from that of the same age group in unexposed workers. However. the content of malonaldehyde (MDA) in serum showed no difference between both groups. It suggests that long-term occupational exposure to Al might have a direct effect on Na-K-ATPase activity of erythrocyte membrane, this might have nothing to do with lipid peroxidation.
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases