Through many years' studies,DVL(drilling vibration sonic logging)technique has made gratifying achievements. In order to verify vibration sonic signal response character- istics of different rock samples at the bit crushing effects, the experimental studies in a state of simulated drilling rig were conducted at China University of Petroleum (Hua- dong) Water Jet Laboratory,the content included through exerting different weight on bit and rotary speed,whether sonic frequency was observed to change with PDC bit sharp- ening,whether drill string was a good vibration acoustic wave carrier for bit breaking rock,whether high frequency vibration acoustic signal for rock breaking can be captured at the top of drilling string,and whether it was feasible that data acquisition can be transmitted through wireless mode. The experiment proved that the changes of weight on bit and rotary speed were irrelevant to the breaking rock' s sig- nal frequency.In view of temporal spectrum of the detected five rock samples,they had obvious interface and relatively stable frequency domain distribution,among them,sand- stone had relatively low spectrum peak,vibration energy mainly concentrated on the low frequency domain,vibration sonic frequency peak of mud shale was higher than sand- stone,frequency spectrum peak distribution for No.2 ce- ment sample was basically same as mud shale' s.but seen from spectrum,the degree of energy concentration was high and it was very different from mud shale,No.1 cement sample had a wider spectrum distribution,especially low band was different from other rock samples,it proved that this part had more impurity structure,and spectrum peak distribution for marble was higher.The obtained data proved that DVL technical principle and method were feasi- ble,the corresponding data processing software,sensors, wireless signal transmission device and filter were reliable, and data had good repeatability.Drilling string vibration sonic logging has the wider applied prospect,further stud- ying and developing this tec
Mud Logging Engineering
drill string vibration sonic logging