
关注生活:德育目标的价值取向 被引量:6

Caring for life:the value orientation of purposes for moral education
摘要 关注人的生活理宜是德育目标的重要价值取向。当前德育工作中存在着重社会目标、轻个体目标,重知识目标、轻能力目标,重理想目标、轻现实目标的误区,应使德育目标价值取向人本化、德育目标制定主体多元化、德育目标实施载体生活化。这对提高广大德育工作者对道德教育的理性认识与实践水平,增强德育工作的感召力和实效性,具有重要的理论和现实意义。 The essay theoretically expounds the dialectical relationship between morality and life, and holds that caring for human life is the value orientation of moral education. In practice, based on a lot of investigations, the artic'le analyzes such wrong practices existing in the present moral education as attaching more importance to the social aim of moral education than to individual, more importance to intelligence than to ability cultivation, more importance to ideal purpose than to practical ones, and puts forward the countermeasures as follows: the humanization of the value orientation of moral education purpose, the multi-subject of moral education aim making, the implementation of moral education based on life, which is of vital theoretical and practical significance to elevate the rational recognition and practical ability of the moral educators, to enhance the appeal and practical effects of moral education.
作者 赵惜群
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第6期870-873,共4页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
基金 湖南省教育科学"十一五"规划重点资助课题(XJK06ADY005)
关键词 生活 德育目标 价值取向 life moral education aim value orientation
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