Objective To study the removal technique and operative experience in the microsurgical resection of petroelival meningiomas by trans-suboeeipital retrosigmoid suprameatal approach (TSRSA) , to improve the rate of total resection of tumors and the postoperative results. Methods The consecutive twenty-three cases of petroelival meningiomas treated from Jan. 2003 to Jun. 2007 by microsurgieal technique using standard TSRSA were reviewed retrospectively. The maximum diameter of the tumors ranged from 1.8 to 5.7 cm ( mean 3.9cm). The main parts of all tumors were located in posterior fossa, The tumor control rate, postoperative neurological deficit and functional status were assessed by Karnofsky Performance Score (KPS) to evaluate the indications, advantages and disadvantages of TSRSA. Results The gross total tumor resection was achieved in 19 patients (83 % ), subtotal in 4 cases (17%). The new functional deficit of cranial nerves were found in 3 patients ( 13% ). There was no mortality with relation to operation or decrease in KPS was observed at the discharge. One case was complicated by midbrain hemorrhage, one case with subcutaneous hydroeele. Condusion This approach is suitable for petroelival meningiomas mainly in posterior fossa with extension to middle fossa ( type Ⅱ ) to improve the rate of total resection of tumors and the postoperative results, and to decrease the postoperative functional deficit of cranial nerves.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery