目的探讨结肠镜和病理学检查对回盲部病变的鉴别诊断价值。方法所有患者均进行肠镜检查,采用Olympus CF XQ240型电子肠镜,均检查至回肠末端10~20cm,结合病理检查、临床表现、内镜表现对回盲部病变进行鉴别诊断。结果3127例肠镜检查中,发现回盲部病变253例,占8.1,明确诊断241例,诊断不明者12例,确诊的病例中,主要病变有炎症98例,息肉38例,溃疡性结肠炎37例(多为全结肠累及回盲部),其次为憩室22例和肿瘤22例,结核及Crohn病少见。结论结肠镜及病理学检查对回盲部病变的鉴别诊断具有重要价值,可显著提高其确诊率。
Objective To study on the effectiveness of colonoscopy and histopathology in diagnosing ileocecal disease. Methods All patients have taken colonoscopy checking with Olympus CF XQ240 colonoscopy and the colonoscopy can arrive ileum terminal 10-20cm. Final diagnosis was determined by histopathology, the colonoscopy and clinical information. Results We found ileocecal disease 253 patients in 3127 checked patients. The rate was 8.1 %. The diagnosis was caused by different diseases in 241 patients having been diagnosed,including 98 inflammation, 38 polyp, 37 ulcerative colitis(the whole colon implicating ileocecal) ,22 diverticula and 22 tumor. Tuberculosis and Crohn's disease were rare. Conclusions Colonoscopy play main role in diagnosis of ileocecal ulceration, elevate the rate of diagnosis.
International Journal of Digestive Diseases