
直驱型风力发电用并网变流器控制策略 被引量:6

Control Strategy of Grid-connected Inverter Used in Direct Drives for Wind Turbine
摘要 针对大功率直驱型风力发电系统中并网变流器输出电流含有较大电流谐波的问题,在并网变流器中引入LCL型滤波器取代典型的电感滤波器,针对由此对系统带来的不稳定性,采用并网变流器电流间接控制结合电网电压前馈补偿的控制策略。针对直驱型风力发电系统在电网电压不对称下运行,采用一种双dq锁相环技术,构建了15kW直驱型风力发电模拟平台,实验结果证明并网变流器可以稳定运行,同时具有较好的动静态性能。 In high-power direct drives for wind turbine, the control of grid-connected inverter is vital to power transporting and energy converting, and the output current with harmonic distortion is high. A filter, typically a series inductance, is adopted to reduce the switching harmonics entering the distribution network. An alternative filter is a LCL-filter, which can reduce the level of harmonic distortion. The control strategy of grid-connected inverter was used in this system based on a loop of bridge current regulator with grid voltage feed forward. A new decoupled double synchronous reference frame phase-locked loop was adopted in this system under unbalanced and distorted grid conditions. A 15 kW direct drive for wind turbine system was constructed in the laboratory. The results prove that the grid-connected inverter can run stability and has good performances.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期146-150,共5页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划资助项目(项目编号:2006BAA01A20)
关键词 风力发电机 并网变流器 控制策略 LCL型滤波器 双dq锁相环 Wind turbine generator, Grid-connected inverter, Control strategy, LCL-filter,DDSRF - PLL
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