2R Luxemburg, "The National Question and Autonomy,"in Davis, H, Selected Writings By Rosa Luxemburg on the National Qestions . New York: Monthly Review Press, 1976o. 被引量:1
3Philip Spencer, Howard Wollman, Nationalism- A critical introduction, pp. 12 13. London:Sage publications, 2002. 被引量:1
4Anthony D. Smith, Tbeories of Natiortalism, p. 257. New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1983 . 被引量:1
5Philip Spencer, Howard Wollman, Nationalism-A critical introduction, p. 4. 被引量:1
6Philip Spencer, Howard Wollman, Nationalism-A critical introduction, p. 37. 被引量:1
7R Munck, The Difficult Dialogue, Marxism and Nationalism, p. 2. London,2ed Books, 1986. 被引量:1
8W Connor, The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theories and Strategy, pp. 5-38. Princeton University pros, 1984o. 被引量:1
9A Giddens, Durkheim on Politics and the State, pp. 202-203. Cambridge: Polity press, 1986. 被引量:1
10Philip Spencer, Howard Wollman, Nationalism-A critical introduction, p. 19. 被引量:1