

Applicetion of 12 Pulsating Wave Controlled Rectifying in Traction Motor Test
摘要 直流牵引电动机目前主要采用回馈法进行负载试验。文章指出,采用十二脉波可控整流电源作为试验电源,其纹波系数能满足试验要求。文章对十二脉波可控整流的谐波进行了分析,分析结果表明,只要控制角α在一定范围内,十二脉波可控整流电源的纹波系数就能满足直流牵引电动机试验要求。 Back-to-back method is mainly adopted at present in loading test of traction motors. In this paper, it is pointed out that the ripple factor will meet the test demands by choosing 12 pulsating wave controlled rectifying power supply as the test supply. Harmonic analyses of 12 pulsating wave controlled rectifying indicate that the ripple factor of 12 pulsating wave controlled rectifying power supply will satisfy the test demand of D. C. traction motor if conduction angle α is in a certain range.
作者 刘吉祥
出处 《机车电传动》 北大核心 1990年第2期17-21,32,共6页 Electric Drive for Locomotives
关键词 硅整流器 牵引电动机 反馈试验 D. C. motor, traction motor, feedback test, testing circuit, bridge rectifying circuit, thyristor application, phase controlled voltage regulation, harmonic analysis, ripple factor, computational method, silicon rectifier.
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