The characterization, variation and evolution of the polymerase A(PA) gene in human avian infleuenza virus H5N1 strain were analyzed on its variation in nucleotide sequence and the amino acids encoded by this gene, in which the nucleotide sequence of the PA gene in human avian influenza viruses isolated from Guangdong province in 2006 was sequenced and the PA genes of the global strains were searched out from internet. The variations of these PA genes were analyzed by MEGA 4.0 software and their evolutionary speed was studied by means of epidemiological data. It was found that the PA protein appeared to be acidic with an isoelectrie point of pH 5.4. The 52 strains of virus with PA genes isolated from 1997 to 2006 could be divided into two groups according to their homology in nucleotide sequences, in which the strain isolated from Hongkong in 1997 belonged to the first group (G1), while those isolated from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, China mainland, Turkey, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Egypt during 2003--2006 were included in the second group (G2). There were 114 substitutions on amino acid loci in PA genes of all strains, accounting to 15.9 % (114/716), whereas there were 17 amino add loci different from those strains isolated in 1997. In the synonymous variation, the Ks and Kavalues of the PA gene were 30.9 × 10^-6-46.1 × 10^-6 Nt/d and 4.50 × 10^-6-8. 13 × 10^-6 Nt/d respectively. Meanwhile, the speed of the synonymous mutation were 5.7--6.9 times more rapid than those of the missense mutation, indicating that less human immunological pressure and the negative selective pressure exis- ted as demonstrated by biological tests. The seven potential glycosylated domains in PA protein in strains isolated during 1997--2006 appeared to be considerably stable, except the cysteine substitution (S224C) occurring in the PA gene of strain IDNS-569H-06. From these observations, it is apparent that the PA gene of human avian influenza virus evolves rapidly in the spontaneous mutation, but shows less human i
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses