本文提出一种改进的FM-CW SAR Frequency Scaling算法。FM-CW SAR由于大的脉冲持续时间和100%的信号占空比,使"停-走-停"模式失效。本文针对FM-CW SAR的信号处理特点,如载机在大扫频周期内运动引起的快时间距离走动问题及传统算法应用在FM-CW SAR中带来的频谱混叠问题进行深入讨论,改进的算法在校正快时间距离走动的同时,解决了频谱混叠问题,实现了目标精确成像。理论推导和仿真结果表明算法的可行性与正确性。
A modified Frequency Scaling algorithm is presented for FM-CW SAR signal processing. In FM-CW SAR, for the large PRI and the 100% duty cycle of the transmitted pulse, the "stop and go" manner is no more valid. According to the signal processing characteristics of the FM-CW SAR,the problems such as the fast time range walk(FTRW) caused by the motion of the radar during the large PRI, and the range frequency spectrum alias caused by the direct utilization of the traditional Frequency Scaling algorithm, are discussed deeply, the modified algorithm resolved the problems referred of before. The deduction and the simulation proved the algorithm is feasible and correct.
Journal of Signal Processing