
敏感型旅游目的地游客管理的机理与原则探讨 被引量:2

A Study on the Mechanism and Principles of Visitor Management at Resource-sensitive Tourism Destinations
摘要 游客管理是实现敏感型旅游目的地双重职能,确保其旅游业持续发展的关键。文章借鉴营销领域的刺激—反应购买者行为模型,提出了在游客管理领域的旅游行为的管理—响应模型,指出游客响应程度的大小是影响游客管理措施作用效果的关键要素。为提高响应程度,游客管理措施应因"时"、因"地"、因"人"而宜,尽量采取"软"性游客管理措施,必须采取"硬"性管理措施时,也一定要有"软"管理措施相配合。 Visitor management is the key for carrying out two functions of resource-sensitive tourism destinations and maintaining the sustainable tourism development. The paper proposed a management-response model of visitor behavior using a stimulus-response model of buyer behavior for reference. The model suggested that to which extent tourists recognized the visitor management approaches rendered would directly affect visitor management effect. Therefore, we should adopt different management measurements to different kinds of tourists, to different tourism destinations and at the different phases of tourism development. In addition, indirect management tactics or "soft" approaches which are accepted more easily than direct one or "hard" one should adopt more. Indirect management tactics attempt to influence visitor behaviors without directly interfering with their freedom of choice. Most of indirect management strategies suggested by researchers focus on interpretation, education and marketing. Direct management strategies are unlikely to be effective in the long term when applied alone, owing to their restrictive character. Therefore "hard" approaches should be applied with relative information on the necessity of these restrictions.
作者 李燕琴
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期150-154,共5页 Ecological Economy
基金 国家民委资助科研项目(08ZY21) "985工程"中国民族地区经济社会与公共管理研究哲学社会科学创新基地资助项目"中国少数民族地区公共管理与公共政策"
关键词 游客管理 机理 原则 资源敏感性 visitor management mechanism principles resource sensitivity
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