Data acquisition and signal analysis system for steam turbine vibration was composed of NI USB-6009 DAQ device and LabVIEW which was the virtual instrument development workbench. It has significant characteristic as below: Power cepstrum analysis function module has a nicety spectrum-line locating, prominent amplitude, distinguishes between source signal analysis and system transfer function easily, identifies frequency-domain-modulation-signal sidebands preferably; Based on the short-time Fourier transform, STYli' function module gets over the defect that FFT is adopted analyze only ; The idea that make use of LabVIEW graphical programming enable the system to develop period shorter and extend with facility. The abstraction of steam-turbine-vibration signal and comparative all-sided analyze is realized by the powerful mathematics analyze and analyze processing function in the situation of complex interference, the huge predominance of virtual instrument is showed.
Turbine Technology