通过M-BFA、PAFS和PFS三种混凝剂对出水浊度、CODCr和TP的去除效果的研究,分析了混凝强化降低上海市某污水处理厂出水CODCr的效果,给出了混凝强化CODCr减排方案。实验结果表明,采用M-BFA和PAM组合强化混凝,可控制CODCr浓度在120 mg/L以内。
The effects of the coagulants of M-BFA, PAFS and PFS on the removal efficiency of turbidity, CODcr and TP were studied. Based on analysis of the effect of CODcr removal intensified by coagulation, a plan to reduce the CODcr discharge in a sewage treatment of Shanghai was proposed. The results showed that with the combination of intensive coagulation using M-BFA and PAM, the effluent CODcr was controlled lower than 120 mg/L.
Sichuan Environment