
望远镜和天文学:400年的回顾与展望 被引量:5

Telescopes and astronomy:A 400-year retrospect and future prospects
摘要 联合国已宣布2009年为国际天文年,以纪念伽利略开始用望远镜观测天体400周年.作者将400年望远镜和相关技术的发展分为四个里程碑,讲述了它们的出现和随后的发展;介绍了中国已完成的和正在研制中的望远镜,作者支持未来10年中国再上三个大项目;作者紧密联系天文学和物理学上的重大学说总结了400年天文学的主要成就;作者赞同未来研究的重点应是暗物质和暗能量,尤其是暗能量的研究. The year 2009 has been declared the International Year of Astronomy by the United Nations, to mark the 400th anniversary of the first observation of celestial bodies by means of a telescope, conducted by Galileo Galilei. In this paper the author identifies four milestones in the development of telescopes and relevant technologies during the past 400 years, then discusses each milestone and its subsequent developments. The paper proceeds to describe the telescopes that have been completed in China as well as those that are being developed. The author supports the development of three new telescope projects in China in the next decade. The author offers a summary of the achievements in astronomy over the past 400 years in terms of their close relationship to fundamental theories of astronomy and physics. For the future, the author believes that dark matter and dark energy, especially dark energy, should be the most important field of research.
作者 苏定强
出处 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第12期836-843,共8页 Physics
关键词 天文学 望远镜 国际天文年 天文学史 中国天文学 天文学的成就 暗物质 暗能量 astronomy, telescope, International Year of Astronomy, history of astronomy, Chinese astronomy, achievements in astronomy, dark matter, dark energy
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