
Ad hoc网络中一种能效的QoS拓扑控制算法 被引量:1

Energy efficient QoS topology control algorithm for Ad hoc network
摘要 越来越多的新应用要求在Adhoc网络中能够提供QoS保证,对此提出了一种能效的QoS拓扑控制算法。该算法通过调整节点发射功率来构造新的网络拓扑以满足业务流对带宽和时延的要求,同时使得节点总的能耗最小。仿真结果显示该算法具有较好的性能,可以为移动网络中实现多媒体应用提供一种有效途径。 There are many modem network applications that require QoS provisions in Ad hoc network.An energy efficient QoS topology control algorithm is proposed.It adjusts transmission power of nodes to construct new topology which can meet bandwidth and delay requirements for services and the total transmission power of nodes is minimized.Simulation results show that the algorithm has a better performance and will provide an effective solution for realizing multimedia applications in mobile network.
作者 杨鹏 黄彪
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第35期122-124,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目No.KJ071203~~
关键词 AD HOC网络 能效 服务质量 拓扑控制 Ad hoc network energy efficient Quality of Service(QoS) topology control
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