2Board of Studies NSW (2005). Studying for the NSW Higher School Certificate. Board of Studies NSW. [EB/ OL]. hap://www.boardofstudiesnsw.edu.au/bos stats/2005-12/ 2008-06 被引量:1
3Media Guide 2006-Higher School Certificate and School Certificate. Board of Studies NSW. [EB/ OL].http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/October 2006/2008- 06 被引量:1
4NSW Government(1997). Securing Their Future: The New South Wales Government's Reforms for the Higherschool Certificate.Sydney: NSW Government Printer. [EB/OL].http://www.boardofstudies/HSC DATAS/2005, 9-12 被引量:1
6Media Guide1995-Higher School Certificate and School Certificate. Board of Studies NSW[EB/OL].http:// www.boardo fstudies.nsw.edu.au/October 2005/2008-06 被引量:1