

Research on Government-led Type Venture Capital Based on Literature
摘要 创业投资通过扶持高科技企业的成长促进了国民经济飞速发展。在创业投资的发展历程中,政府作用不容忽视。尤其中国创业投资研究尚处于起步阶段,需要了解国际创业投资研究的现状和发展趋势,为政府引导型的创业投资指出未来的发展趋势。本文基于对相关文献的检索研究,总结了国内外政府引导型创业投资的现状,并将其进行了比较,提出发展我国创业投资的建议。 Venture capital investments promote the growth of the rapid development of the national economy by supporting the high-tech enterprises. During the development of Venture capital investments, the government's role should not be ignored. Particularly, the researches of the Chinese entrepreneurs are still at the initial stage, it is necessary to know the international development's and tend. After all, we can predict the trend of tile Government--led Venture Capital. This paper is based on literature, and it aggregates the studies of the international and the national development. Especially, this paper compares the each other, then give us some inspiration for the development of Government--led Venture Capital.
作者 姚梅芳 冯玲
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第12期1908-1911,共4页 Information Science
关键词 政府引导型 创业投资 研究进展 文献分析 government--led venture capital research development literature analysis
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