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5Level A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 [EB/OL]. [2008-09-22]. http://www w3.org/WAI/WCAG1A- Conformance 被引量:1
6UK Presidency of the EU 2005. E-Accessibility of public sector services in the European Union [EB/OL]. [2007-12-15]. http:// www. cabinetoffice. gov. uk/e-government/eaccessibility 被引量:1
7Options for administrative actions towards the i2010 inclusive e-Government goal[EB/OL], [2007-12-27]. http://ec. europa.eu/information_society/activities/egovernment/docs/ options_for_administrative actions.pdf 被引量:1
8Analysis of European target groups related to inclusive e-Government [EB/OL]. [2007-12-27]. http://ec.europa eu/ nformation_society/activities/egovernment/docs/ analysis_of_european_target_groups. pdf 被引量:1