

Effects of Defoliation,Severing and Shading on Carbon Photosynthesis of Clonal Ramet of Buchloe dactyloides
摘要 采用14C示踪技术对野牛草匍匐茎相连分株标记和液体闪烁测量法测量14C,对去掉分蘖、遮荫分株、切断匍匐茎后测定母株雌蘖、母株营养蘖、子2株营养蘖、子4株营养蘖的闪烁数/分钟(CPM)。京引野牛草克隆分株碳同化的分析表明,正常状态下孙蘖较小、蘖总净同化活度比母株雌蘖高,显著高于母株雌蘖单位干重净同化活度。野牛草去蘖后会降低未去蘖分株的净同化活度,切断匍匐茎不会显著影响分株的净同化活度,遮荫也不会显著影响相连分株的净同化活度。去蘖要比正常、切断、遮荫显著降低未处理分株的净光合能力。 Ramets of buffalograss was labeled with ^14C tracer technique and 14C contents per minute (CPM) of parent female tiller, parent vegetative tiller, near parent 2nd daughter vegetative tiller and near parent 4th daughter vegetative tiIler were measured with Ls6000ic liquid scintillation counter in defoliating ramets, shading ramets and cutting stolon. The results included that the photosynthesis rate of granddaughter ramet was the least, but its total photosynthesis rate was higher than parent female ramet, photosynthesis rate per gram of parent female ramet in normal growth was significantly lower. Defoliation may decrease photosynthesis rate of undefoliated tamer, but severing stolon and shading ramets did not significantly in- fluence photosynthesis rate of undefoliated ramet. Defoliation decreased more significantly photosynthesis rate of buffalograss ramets than normality, severing and shading.
出处 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 2008年第6期37-42,共6页 Chinese Journal of Grassland
基金 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(6992015) 国家研究与开发资助专项(JY03-B-31)
关键词 野牛草 碳同化 去蘖 切断 遮荫 Buffalograss Carbon photosynthesis Defoliation Severing Shading
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