[目的]研制白簕消炎喷雾剂,为开发利用白簕资源提供依据。[方法]分别提取白簕、野菊花、车前草中的黄酮,通过正交试验检测3种物质提取物的混合杀菌效果,研制一种具有快速消炎、镇痛、杀菌等作用的喷雾剂。[结果]白簕、野菊花、车前草中的总黄酮含量分别为:3.54%、3.41%、3.45%。配方为40 mg/ml白簕提取物、30 mg/ml野菊花提取物、2 mg/ml车前草提取物的喷雾剂0.5 h后的杀菌效果较好,但仍剩余43.3%的菌体,1.0 h后的杀菌效果最好,适合作外用药。配方为60 mg/ml白簕提取物、60 mg/ml野菊花提取物、4 mg/ml车前草提取物的喷雾剂3.0 h后的杀菌效果较好,有效抑制了细菌再生,仅剩余16.7%的菌体。[结论]利用白簕、野菊花和车前草的黄酮提取物,可制成绝佳的消炎杀菌喷雾剂。
[Objective ] The study was to develop the antiphlogistic spray with Acanthopanax trifoliatus ( L. ) Merr and provide the basis for the development and utilization of A. trifoliatus resource. [ Method ] The flavonoids in A. trifoliatus, Chrysanthemum indicum L. and Plantain were extracted. The mixed sterilization effect of the extracts of 3 kinds of materials was detected through orthogonal test, and a spray with rapid anti- phlogistic, analgesia and sterilization effect was developed. [ Result ] The total flavonoids contents in A. trifoliatus, C. indicum and Plantain were 3.54%, 3.41% and 3.45% resp. When the formula of the spray was A. trifoliatus extracts of 40 mg/ml, C. indicum extracts of 30 mg/ml and Plantain extracts of 2 mg/ml, its sterilization effect after useing for 0.5 h was better, but there still 43.3% thalli were remained. The sprayg sterilization effect after using for 1.0 h was the best and it suitable to being used as the external drugs. When the formula of the spray was A. trifoliatus extracts of 60 mg/ml, C. indicum extracts of 60 mg/ml and Plantain extracts of 4 mg/ml, its sterilization effect after useing for 3.0 h was better, and it effectively inhibited the bacteria regrowth, there only 16.7% thalli were remained. [ Conclusion] With flavonoid extracts from A. trifoliatus, C. indicum and Plantain, the superexeellent antiphlogosis and sterilization spray could be made.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Acanthopanax trifoliatus ( L. ) Merr
Chrysanthemum Indicum L