The Guangzhou New TV Tower has the height of 610m above ground, the main tower body height of 454m and an antenna height of 156m, the tallest TV tower in the world after construction. A 1/50 scale model of Guangzhou New TV Tower was tested on shaking-table under the action of 49 different earthquake ground motions in the Earthquake Engineering Research Test Centre at Guangzhou University. The model's dynamic properties, damping ratio, and responses to the acceleration and deformation at different earthquake levels have been obtained. Its cracking pattern has also been analyzed. According to the model test results, the seismic response of the prototype is discussed. It is noticed that the difference between the theoretical value and the experimental result of the frequencies is about 15%-- 18% for the first two modes, and about 30% for the 3rd and 4th modes, with a relative damping ratio of 3.317%, 2.2770, 1.555% and 1.259% respectively. Thus the ratio of the period of the first rotation mode and that of the first translation mode is 0.211. The maximum story drift angle of the prototype under frequent, seismic-force reduce design and rare earthquakes is 1/320, 1/154 and 1/72 respectively. This research demonstrates that the prototype can meet the requirements of aseismic design under frequent earthquakes, seismic-force reduce design earthquakes and rare earthquakes.
Engineering Mechanics