[目的]观察MCu宫内节育器用于紧急避孕的效果、副反应。[方法]给无保护性生活后120h内要求紧急避孕的妇女放置MCu宫内节育器,术后随访到下次月经来潮,然后术后3月、6月、12月各随访1次。随访内容包括避孕失败、副反应。避孕有效率以Dixon预期妊娠概率计算。[结果]26例紧急避孕患者放置MCu IUD后,紧急避孕有效率为100%。[结论]MCu IUD用于紧急避孕有效、安全。
[Objective] To observe the efficacy and side effects of MCu [UD for emergency contraception. [Methods] The MCu intrauterine device were inserted in women requesting emergency contraception within 120h after unprotected intercourse, and all cases were followed up to the next menstruation recovered, then they were followed up once after 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months, respectively. The follow-up contents were contraceptive failure and side effects. Contraceptive efficacy was calculated by Dixon's method. [ Results] The efficacy of preventing unplanted pregnancy was 100% for the 26 eases placed with MCu IUD. [Conclusion] Use of MCu IUD for emergency contraception is effective and safe.
Modern Preventive Medicine