轮叶马先蒿(Pedicularis myriophylla)在新疆巴音布鲁克高寒草地大面积发生,于2004-2005年5月初对其生物学特性、传播方式、分布面积、群落数量特征等进行了观测和调查,并对其进行分析,以了解害草轮叶马先蒿在巴音布鲁克高寒草地的分布情况及其对畜牧业的危害现状。结果表明:轮叶马先蒿的危害面积已高达4.11×104hm2,5月下旬是其种子萌发最活跃时期,产种量高,种子传播是主要的传播方式。将轮叶马先蒿分布面积分为重度、中度和轻度发生区,且随着危害程度的增加,轮叶马先蒿密度和盖度显著增大,而群落的多样性、均匀度和物种丰富度却逐渐降低。轮叶马先蒿种群的生物量占总生物量的比例逐渐增加,禾本科和杂类草的生物量有降低的趋势。针对当地的群落问题,提出了人工和化学防除,同时应建立合理的草地放牧体系,控制和规定合理的草地载畜量,并与围封、补播、施肥等草地改良措施相结合,有效控制轮叶马先蒿的危害和蔓延,改善当地的生态与环境,使当地群落健康、稳定发展。
Pedicularis myriophylla has begun to grow in large areas in the alpine Bayanbuluk Steppe since recent years. In this study, the biological characters, spread ways, distribution area, communities, harmfulness, etc. of P. myriophylla in the alpine Bayanbuluk Steppe were investigated in 2004 and 2005 so as to reveal the distribution of P. myriophylla and its harmfulness to the local animal husbandry. The topographic map at scale of 1 : 100 000 and GPS were used in the field investigation, and Arcgis, EDS and other software were used to chart the distribution map of P. myriophylla The results show that the disaster area of P. myriophylla spreading mainly by seeds has been already as large as 4.11 × 10^4 hm2, the seed yield of P. myriophylla is high, and the seeds begin to bourgeon in late-May. Moreover, the disaster area of P. myriophylla is divided into some plots with serious, moderate and slight disasters, and the density and coverage of P. myriophylla increase with the increase of its harmfulness, but the diversity, uniformity and species richness of the communities are gradually decreased, and the proportion of biomass of P. myriophylla in the total biomass increases gradually. On which some suggestions are put forward for weeding P. myriophylla.
Arid Zone Research