目的探讨紫外分光光度法测定美洛昔康囊的含量。方法通过实验不同 pH 值、有机溶剂,缓冲溶液等对体系的影响,建立紫外分光光度法测定美洛昔康胶囊中关洛昔康的含量。结果美洛昔康浓度在0.35~12.00μg/ml 范围内与吸光度遵从朗伯比尔定律,线形回归方程:y=0.01153+0.06547C(μg/ml),线性相关系数为0.9997,相对标准偏差为0.26%。平均回收率为100.1%。结论通过各种实验条件的优化,建立了一种测定美洛昔康的紫外分光光度法。该法简便、快速,专属性好,结果可靠,成功用于胶囊制剂中美洛昔康含量的测定。
Objective To investigate how to apply Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry to determine the content in meloxicam capsule. Methods Establish the UV spectrophotometry to determine the content of meloxicam in capsule by testing the effects of different PHs, organic solvents and buffer solutions on the system. Results The absorbance and the meloxicam content within the range of 0.35-12. 00μg/ml conform to the Lambert-Beer's law. The linear regression equation is Y= 0. 01153+0. 06547C(μg/ml), the standard deviation is 0.26 %. The average recovery is 100.1%. Conclusion Through optimizing the test conditions, the ultraviolet spectropho-tornetry was established. This kind of method is very convenient and quick, and can determine the meloxicam content in capsule with exact result.
Journal of Heze Medical College