
车王府曲本收藏源流考 被引量:19

A Study of the Origin of Poetry Collection in Chewang Royal Palace
摘要 1925年,马廉为孔德学校购入蒙古车王府旧藏大宗戏曲小说时,顺带购买了数千种车王府旧藏抄本曲本。次年顾颉刚为之分类并编制目录。抗战时,孔德学校所藏曲本移交北京大学,但并未全部交出。1952年,孔德藏书归首都图书馆。这些抄本曲本大受关注,而马廉最初所购源出车王府的"大宗小说戏曲",则知者甚少,其中可确认者至少有60余种弹词。或谓这批曲本为"未刻的稿本",大误。以300种原抄本子弟书为例,实来自百本张、百本刚等书坊,分数批购入。今学界多认同车王为车登巴咱尔之说,但对其世系则不详。今考得其族出外蒙古喀尔喀赛音诺颜部,主要世系为策棱、成衮扎布、拉旺多尔济、巴颜济尔噶勒、车登巴咱尔、达尔玛、那彦图。车登巴咱尔生于嘉庆二十二年(1817),卒于咸丰二年(1852)。长于京师,兼擅满、汉语,能汉诗,善绘画。娶清宗室多罗贝勒奕绘之女,岳母顾太清为著名词人、小说家及戏曲家。车王之趣尚当受岳家影响。今知曲本最晚时间可考者为光绪十四年(1888),而全部曲本实经数代人之手汇集而成。 In 1925 Ma Lian bought for the School of Comte a large collection of drama and fiction books along with several thousand copies of poetry collections in Chewang Royal Palace. In the following year, Gu Jiegang classified and made a catalogue of the books. During the Anti-Japanese War, the collections of poetry books stored at the School of Comte were transferred to Peking University, but some remained at Comte. In 1952, these collections were all handed over to the National Library. These collections drew much attention while the collections of drama and fiction that Ma Lian bought remained unknown. About sixty of them are verse novels (tanci). It is a big mistake to think that these collections belong to the un -carved copies. Take the three hundred copies of Zidishu (Princes' Poetic Stories) for example, they come from such printing houses as Baibenzhang and Baibengang and were bought on several occasions. It is generally believed in the academic circle that Chewang was Chedeng Bazar, but his family background was unknown. According to some archeological study, his family was from the Saiyinnuoyan Tribe in Karka Mongolia, and the main genealogy of his family includes such names as Celeng, Chenggun Zhabu, Lawang Duoerji, Bayan Jiergale, Chedeng Bazaer, Daerma and Nayantu. Chedeng Bazar was born in the 22nd year of Jiaqing (1817) and died in the 2nd year of Xianfeng (1852). He grew up in the capital and was good at Manchu and Chinese languages. He could compose Chinese poems and do paintings. He married the daughter of Yi Hui, the Doro Prince from the royal family of the Qing Dynasty. His mother-in-law, Gu Taiqing, was a famous poetess, novelist and playwright. Chewang was much influenced by his wife's family. It is now known that the latest version of poetry collection dates back to the 14a year of Guangxu ( 1888), but a complete collection of such poetry was the joint effort of scholars in several generations.
作者 黄仕忠
出处 《文化艺术研究》 2008年第1期139-162,共24页 Studies in Culture and Art
关键词 车王府曲本 车王府 车登巴咱尔 马廉 顾颉刚 poetry collection in Chewang royal palace Chewang royal palace Chedeng Bazar Ma Lian Gu Jiegang
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  • 1仇江.《清蒙古车王府藏曲本》遗珠(一)——日本双红堂文库所藏车王府曲本简介[J].中山大学学报(社会科学版),1998,38(6):110-114. 被引量:4
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  • 5仇江 张小莹.《车王府曲本全目及藏本分布》[A].刘茂烈等著.《车王府曲本研究》[C].广东人民出版社,2000年版.. 被引量:2
  • 6参见雷梦水:《书林琐记·车王府钞藏曲本的发现和收藏》,载《学林漫录》,第9辑,中华书局,1984年;刘复《中国俗曲总目稿》序。 被引量:1
  • 7《写本戏曲鼓儿词的收藏》[J].北京大学研究所国学门周刊,1925. 被引量:1
  • 8顾颉刚.《蒙古车王府曲本分类目录》[J].孔德月刊,1926. 被引量:1
  • 9参见俞大纲:《发掘中央研究院所保存的戏曲宝藏》,《俞大纲全集》,论述卷,台湾幼狮文化事业公司,1987年;彭飞:《等待炎黄子孙共同开发的艺术宝藏》,《上海艺术家》,1987,4。 被引量:1
  • 10对车王府曲本的数量,冯秉文先生最早说是4400余册,(《首都图书馆珍藏<蒙古车王府曲本>目录》前言),后来又云北京大学图书馆和首都图书馆所藏共1663种,4714册(《刘公案》书前《蒙古车王府曲本》,人民文学出版社,1990年);另据雷梦水先生所言全部共1444种,5131册(《书林琐记·车王府钞藏曲本的发现和收藏》);郭精锐云目前所知数目是1787种、4681册(《车王府曲本与京剧的形成》,第2章《车王府曲本》),而吴国钦在《车王府曲本与京剧的形成》一书的序言中却说是1800多种,约5000册。 被引量:1












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