2005年2月至2006年1月对烟台芦洋湾鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)的生长情况进行了生态学调查。实验设立固定样方观测了鼠尾藻种群结构的季节变化,采用逐步回归分析法分析了生境因子对鼠尾藻生物量的影响。结果表明,(1)鼠尾藻分布在低潮线以上50~125cm的中潮带和低潮带之间;(2)生物量消长和平均藻体长度消长的季节变化趋势一致,呈双峰曲线(7月份和12月份达到峰值,9月份达到最低值);(3)生活周期可以划分为4个时期:休止期、生长期、繁殖期和衰退期,6月中旬到7月下旬为有性生殖期;(4)营养生殖贯穿全年,并呈现一定的季节变化;(5)快速生长期内(5-7月),其大小级层次明显,近似正态分布;(6)水温为影响其生长的主要因素,其次为浪冲击度和人为干扰,干露对鼠尾藻的生长影响不显著。总之,本调查区域的鼠尾藻种群呈现明显的季节变化,并与其他海区种群差异显著,生长地区的环境因素是导致差异的根本原因。
Sargassum thunbergii is a permanent brown algae species forms conspicuous beds on rocky slaores along the coast of China, Japan and Korea. These beds play important ecological roles in the coastal ecosystem due to their large biomass and high productivity. Because of potentials in alginate production and bioactive extraction, S. thunbergii is also of great economic importance. Recently, the aquaculture industry of Stichopus japonicus is rapidly developing in China. As its desirable and irreplaceable feed, demand for S. thunbergii raw material becomes increasing, which has resulted in the depletion of natural populations along the coast China. Based on an ecological demography conducted from January 2005 to February 2006 in Luyang Bay, Yantai, the seasonal variation of biomass and mean thallus length and the effects of environmental factors on growth of S. thunbergii were investigated. Three permanent quadrats at the same depth were set up, of which all thalli in a plot of 30 cm × 30 cm was sampled once a month. In March and April of 2005, eighteen different plots were selected to investigate the effects of environmental factors including disturbance, temperature, wave motion, epiphytes and grazer (i.e. Chlorostoma rustica) on biomass, using step-wise regression analysis. The results showed that S. thunbergii distributed between the low-tidal zone and mid-tidal zone at 50~125 cm tidal level. Both biomass and mean thallus length ofS. thunbergii exhibited a statistically significant temporal variation, with a similar unimodal trajectory. The biomass and mean thallus length reached a highest value in July and decreased to a lowest value in September. The growth pattern of S. thunbergii may be divided into four phases: inactivity period (before March), growth period (from early-April to mid-June), reproductive period (from mid-June to late-July)and senescence period (from late-July to September). Small plants were recorded throughout the year and showed a seasonal variation, indicating
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
Sargassum thunbergii
size class
step-wise regression analysis