Objective To understand the density, breeds composition of rat and fleas arid their seasonal fluctuation rule, provide available data for rat controlling. Methods Night wood trap and arch steel trap were used to capture rat, indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) and reverse indirect hemagglutination assay (RIHA) were used to test F1 antibody and F1 antigen April 2006 through March 2007. Results 279 rodent animals were captured, and identified as 2 orders, 4 familifies, 6 genus and 8 species. Capture rate of arch steel trap is 10.1%, Rhombomys opimus is the dominant breed; Capture rate of night wood trap is 1.8%, main breeds are Meriones Meridianus, Meriones erythrourus and AUaltaga sibiraca. 1 539 rat parasitic fleas were found, Xenopsylla minax was main breed, i0 specimen of F1 antibody positive serum were found by IHA among 114 great gerbils serum, the positive rate is 8.8%. Conclusions Surveillance on great gerbils and on their fleas infection situation should be reinforced in areas around port, especially in the high density period of rat and fleas; Meriones meridianus and Meriones erythrourus were often found related with gerbils plague, so surveillance on them also is important.
Port Health Control
Plague surveillance Ala-shankou