Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengel is the most noxious plant invaders in China. The relationship between allelopathy and invasiveness is not known in E. adenophorum. In order to study the effect of Eucalyptus globulus Labill's allelochemicals on E. adenophorum, the way of laboratory bioassay has been used. In this study, the effect on seed germination and seedling growth of E. adenophorum is determined by aqueous extract of leaves, extracted leaves and dry leaves collected from different E. globules plants. The main purpose of this study was to find the relationship between E. lobules's allelochemicals and E. adenophorum's replacement control. The result shows that E. globules is concentration dependent. At higher concentration, aqueous leaf extract of E. globule could significantly inhibit seed germination rate, hypocotyls, radicle and seedling growth of E. adenophorum, whereas its effects are not significant occasionally at lower concentration or even increased seed germination and seedling growth. With the increase of the concentration of extracted leaves and dry leaves, the inhibition to seedling growth of E. adenophorum is heavier. The sensitivies to E. globules's allel- ochemicals are different among different variables. Variables related to seed germination are more susceptible than for seeding growth. New leaves number and biomass are more susceptible than for seeding basal diameter. The study didn't also shows that there isn't any bad effect of E. globules on other plants at different growth stages.
Experiment Science and Technology
Eucalyptus globulus Labill
Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengel
replncement control
seed germination
seedling growth