

The quality of root canal obturation and the clinical effectiveness
摘要 目的:对试尖后根管充填患牙进行临床疗效观察。方法:随机选取2006~2007年完成的根管充填病例共486个患牙X线片及临床资料,按试尖与未试尖分成实验组263个牙和对照组223个牙,通过对比充填内1周疼痛发生率观察两组根管充填质量。结果:①实验组和对照组恰填、超填和欠填率分别为88.97%和72.65%、4.18%和15.25%及6.84%和12.11%。恰填率和超填率两组间有统计学差异(p<0.05)。②实验组和对照组无痛率、可自愈疼痛率和非自愈疼痛率分别为90.11%和79.82%、9.13%和14.80%及1.14%和4.93%。无痛率和非自愈疼痛率两组间有统计学差异(p<0.05)。③两组恰填率与无痛率呈负相关(p<0.05)。结论:试尖可明显提高根管充填质量,提高近期临床治疗效果。 Objective: Analysis of short-term pain occurrence applying root canal therapy by testing the trial point. Method: the X-ray system and clinical records of 486 teeth eases of root canal therapy during 2006-2007 were randomly eollected and divided into two groups. The quality of obturation was analyzed based on with and without testing the trial point (263 cases vs 223 eases). To evaluate the quality of root canal obturation by comparing the occurrence of pain after l week between two groups. Result: (1)The occurrence rate of flush filled teeth, superfilled teeth and underfilled teeth in two groups were88.97% vs 72.65%,4.18% vs 15.25% and 6.84% vs 12.1 1%,respeetively. The rate of the test group both flush filled teeth and superfilled teeth were significantly correlated with the control group (P〈0.05).(2)The occurrence rate of no- pain, self-healing pain and no-self healing pain were 90.11% vs 79.82%,9.13% vs 14.80%andl.14% vs 4.93%, respec- tively.The rate of the test group both no-pain teeth and no-self healing pain teeth were significantly correlated with the control group (P〈0.05). (3)The rate of flush filled was significantly correlated with the rate of no-pain in two groups (P〈 0.05). Conclusion: The trial point test may improve the quality of obturation for root canal therapy, thus increase the Short- term clinical effectiveness.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2008年第10期622-624,共3页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 试尖 根充质量 近期临床治疗效果 the quality of root canal obturation: trial point: the clinical effection on Short-term
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