Objective To understand further the effect of aripiprazole on the quality of life in schizophrenia. Method Meta - analysis was made for 5 papers published about comparative studies of aripiprazole and other antipsychofies which affected the life quality in schizophrenia. Resullts On the aspects of physical, psychological, social relations, level of independence,environment domain, the average effects within aripiprazole group were respectively 1.64, 1.51,1.40, 1.08, 1.02,in turn,and 95% CI were( 1.39,1.89), ( 1.26,1.75), (0. 81,1.99), (0. 85,1.31 ), (0. 79,1.25). Average effects between aripiprazole and other antipsychoties were respectivelyl. 06,0. 99, 1.04,0. 56,0. 86, in turn, and 95% CI were (0. 83,1. 293, (0. 77,1.22), ( 0. 45,1.64 ), ( 0. 34,0. 78 ), ( 0. 28,1.44 ). Conclusion Aripiprazole can significantly improve the quality of life in schizophrenia.
Sichuan Mental Health